Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Why Can't They Be Friends Olivia Blois Sharpe and Tracy DiMarco

So Jerseylicious has been going on 4eva, and what it really needs is for Olivia and Tracy to be friends again. I know it causes drama and ratings for the show, but they already have other cast mates not getting along! Thus Alexa and the crew. I really think it is time for Olivia and Tracy to make amends and party together. I totally think they have so much in common, even though they do not think they do. They were friends at some point and need to get past all their issues. Next season of Jerseylicious needs to have the girls be friends again.
What do you all think?! Should Tracy and Olivia rep Jersey 2gether as friends?!


  1. nope. tracys a bi--h and i dont blame olivia

  2. i think they shood

  3. Of course they should I'm hoping that will happen on my dream season!

  4. Yes they should, i like olivia and call me crazy but i think tracy is a good person 2, even though she's a bit of a crazy bitch (excuse my language) and yeah, they have a lot in commmon, they just hate eachother so much that there minds block them from seeing it.

  5. Yes, that be the desert to the lunch if they did :) it make a lot more fans and views on the show

  6. I think they should become friends. Why waste their whole lives hating each other. Life is too short to hate someone. One of them should be the bigger person and try and squash this crap.

  7. They must just... Its time.
